RCS Comparison table and ease of use

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Feb 7 20:51:55 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Nicholas Allen пишет:
> I prefer the branch + revno most of the time. What I like about bzr
> though is that it also gives you a unique revid so you can choose what
> you like best. I would only say that it would be much better if bzr
> wouldn't change revnos in a branch when merging but I know that there is
> a fix for that in the pipeline ;-)
> I agree that ease of use is not really something that can have a yes/no
> answer and is completely subjective. Most of the other features in that
> table are not subjective so I would say it makes sense to remove that line.
> But I don't want to remove it if others have strong feelings about it...

Do you remember loooong thread with git folks?
I don't remember exactly who says this (probably Linus, but I'm not sure):
"simplicity is in the eye of the beholder".

So this line actually is very subjective and each zealot will say that
his favorite VCS is the best and very easy to use. So...

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