RCS Comparison table and ease of use

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at onlinehome.de
Wed Feb 7 20:27:49 GMT 2007

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Nicholas Allen ?8H5B:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm curious why bazaar has a "No" for ease of use in the comparison
>>> table. It is one of the easiest to use RCS systems I have ever used.
>>> Personally I think this should be a big "Yes" ;-)
> Someone (who like darcs and hg) says that bzr has too many commands.
> It's main reason, as I remember.

That's a pretty bad reason IMHO. The set of core commands are what you
need most and bzr help shows you those. The others you can learn at your
own pace and when you need the other commands it's great that they are
there. It's not like they get in your way or anything...


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