bazaar and ftp?

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Feb 7 06:35:32 GMT 2007

[Incidentally I think it's a good idea to cc people who post questions
for the first time (or maybe at all) - they might not be subscribed.
The list moderates new posters but they do get through.]

On  7 Feb 2007, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote:
> Michael Reiland пишет:
> > I'm trying to get bazaar working over an ftp connection.  All machines will
> > be running win2k or newer.
> > 
> > I've configured everything, created a test repository on the remote
> > machine,
> > checked out said repository on my local machine.
> > 
> > When I try to commit it I get the following error:
> > bzr: ERROR: Generic path error: '/bzr_test/.bzr/branch/revision-history':
> > could not store: 550 /bzr_test/.bzr/branch/revision-history: Cannot
> > create a
> > file when that file already exists
> Unfortunately bzr is broken in this respect:
> if you have FTP server on top of Windows filesystem, it's unable to rename file
> if there is already exists file with the same name. It's purely limitation
> of underlying windows filesystem, not bzr itself.

Well, it is a limit we should work around.  For the current format it is
ok for us to delete the file before renaming it if the server or
filesystem requires that.  In fact I thought that sftp always requires

> This bug also reproduced by selftest running on Windows.

On the local filesystem, or just against the file server.

> Unfortunately all core developers working on Linux, and assume that FTP servers
> always running on Linux machines too, where this problem simply does not
> exists.

I think you count as a core dev too!  

We do have Transport decorators that should allow us to simulate this on
any platform.

> Please, file the bug report about this problem.

Yes please do --


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