[ANNOUNCE] VIM syntax script for highlighting BZR commit files

Marius Gedminas marius at pov.lt
Tue Feb 6 14:49:20 GMT 2007

On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 06:11:02PM +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> On  6 Feb 2007, Dmitry Vasiliev <dima at hlabs.spb.ru> wrote:
> > I've created VIM syntax script for highlighting Bazaar's commit files. 
> > You can download the script at http://hlabs.spb.ru/vim/en#bzr.vim and it 
> > will be included in the VIM distribution soon.
> That's pretty cool, I just installed it.
> I often do things like 
>   !bzr diff % >diff.tmp
>   :view diff.tmp
> or 'bzr cat' and then vimdiff.  It would be nice to get vim functions
> that did that automatically - or maybe even brought up a list of all
> changed files in a quickfix kind of setup.

I use a ftplugin to show me the output of bzr diff in a split window
when I'm typing the commit message.  It's based on svn.vim by Michael
Scherer.  Attached.

Marius Gedminas
[...] the basic "your gun, your foot, your choice" memory model.
	-- jtv on lkml
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" Vim plugin for editing Bazaar (http://bazaar-vcs.org/) commit messages:
" shows a diff in a second window.
" Early version, probably doesn't work in all cases
" Based on svn.vim by Michael Scherer (misc at mandrake.org) and others.
" Place this file in ~/.vim/plugins/, and create a new file in ~/.vim/ftdetect,
" called bzr.vim, with the following line inside:
"   au BufRead,BufNewFile bzr_log.*                 set filetype=bzr

function! Bzr_diff_windows()
    let i = 0
    let add = 0
    let list_of_files = ''
    while i <= line('$')
        let line = getline(i)
        if line =~ '^modified:\|^added:'
            let add = 1
        elseif line =~ '^\S'
            let add = 0
        elseif line =~ '^  ' && add
            let file = substitute(line, "[*]$", "", "")
            let list_of_files = list_of_files . ' ' . file
        let i = i + 1

    if list_of_files == ""

    silent! setlocal ft=diff previewwindow bufhidden=delete nobackup noswf nobuflisted nowrap buftype=nofile
    exe 'normal :r!LANG=C cd `bzr root` && bzr diff ' . list_of_files . "\n"
    setlocal nomodifiable
    goto 1
    syn on

setlocal nowarn
call Bzr_diff_windows()
setlocal nowb
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