bundle buggy feature request

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Feb 4 14:19:06 GMT 2007

Robert Collins wrote:
> I would love it if bundle buggy made it visible to me what bundles I
> have not reviewed.
> That is, when I see 
> Semi-approved +1 Auto Jan 16 2007
> I can't tell if thats my +1, or $other persons.
> If I could tell, it would save a little time when I'm in 'I will review
> now' mode, vs just seeing how the review queue is doing and nagging
> people ;).
> Rob

It does.

When you log in, for ones you have a vote, the votes column changes
color to green.

It also means that ones you have submitted are green. But generally that
works the way you would want.


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