Both hgwebdir.cgi and webserve-dir.cgi are mbcs broken

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at
Sat Feb 3 17:04:18 GMT 2007

On Saturday 03 February 2007, you (Dongsheng Song) wrote:
> 2007/2/3, Goffredo Baroncelli <kreijack at>:
> > is it possible to get your repository ? For example webserve crash if you
> > browse the directory
> >
> > /layout/service/
> >
> > 
> >
> > I am interested in analize the problem
> >
> > Goffredo
> >
> You Can get from, and
> the following is related information.

It seems that in any case bazaar itself has problems...

$ tar xjf scratch.tar.bz2
$ cd scratch 
scratch$ bzr co
bzr: ERROR: Path 

> apache2.conf:
>         ScriptAlias /webserve
> /usr/share/pycentral/bzr/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/webserve/webserve-dir.cgi
>         <Location /webserve>
>                 Order allow,deny
>                 Allow from all
>         </Location>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> [/usr/share/pycentral/bzr/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/webserve]$ bzr log
> revno: 229
> committer: ghigo <ghigo at>
> branch nick: bws-tmp
> timestamp: Sun 2006-12-31 10:48:46 +0100
> message:
>   xmas update
> ...
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> $ bzr --version
> Bazaar (bzr) 0.14.0
> Using python interpreter: /usr/bin/python
> Using python standard library: /usr/lib/python2.4
> Using bzrlib: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> $ cat webserve-dir.cgi
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> ....
> import os
> import sys
> os.environ["HGENCODING"] = "GB18030"
> # path of the bazaar-ng installation
> # in the _example_ below it is suppose that webserve is installed
> # under bzrlib/plugins/webserve
> sys.path.insert(0,"/usr/share/pycentral/bzr/site-packages")
> from bzrlib.plugins.webserve import hgweb
> config 
= "/usr/share/pycentral/bzr/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/webserve/bazaar-webserve.conf"
> try:
>   config = os.environ['BAZAAR_WEBSERVE_CONFIG']
> except KeyError:
>   pass
> hgweb.cgi_start_webserve_dir(config)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> $ cat bazaar-webserve.conf
> tararchive = 1
> profile = 1
> lock = 0
> [bzr]
> author = Goffredo Baroncelli
> name  = bazaar-ng
> description = bazaar-ng development branch
> path = /home/cauchy/wc/bzr/bzr
> tararchive = 1
> [webserve]
> author = Goffredo Baroncelli
> name  = webserve
> description = webserve development branch
> path = /home/cauchy/wc/bzr/webserve
> tararchive = 1
> [scratch]
> author = Dongsheng Song
> name = scratch
> description = My scratch repository
> path = /home/cauchy/wc/bzr/scratch
> tararchive = 1

gpg key@ Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijack at>
Key fingerprint = CE3C 7E01 6782 30A3 5B87  87C0 BB86 505C 6B2A CFF9

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