[MERGE] Don't create a ProgressBar during KnitIndex.__init__

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Jan 31 19:09:17 GMT 2007

This is another patch which shaves a small but measurable time off of
'bzr checkout --lightweight'. In my measurements this shaves
approximately 90ms off of building a bzr.dev tree.

Basically, it just avoids creating a nested progress bar for every knit
index that we open. Along with the associated .update calls.

This is something I was going to do as part of my cleanup for the
progress code, but that still needs some work, and this is a simple fix.

This will also shave some time off of all of our operations that touch a
lot of knits (bzr branch).

It isn't a huge savings (2% of the total time), but it is something.

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