[bug?] launchpad and pycurl

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Mon Jan 29 06:47:18 GMT 2007

>>>>> "bialix" == Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:

    bialix> Vincent Ladeuil пишет:
    >>>>>>> "bialix" == Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:
    bialix> I just discover that any trunk branch of product
    bialix> registered on Launchpad could be retrieved by using
    bialix> URL to launchpad page. I.e.


    bialix> Although when I explicitly use http+urllib://
    bialix> transport then all OK.
    bialix> What's wrong here? Is this bug in pycurl itself?
    >> <cough> That's a dirty little secret of urllib: it does not check
    >> certificates as well as pycurl... so don't blame pycurl ;)

    bialix> And?...

... and I intend to fix urllib as time permits... However if
there is a problem with launchpad certificate, the certificate
should also be fixed (but I can't reproduce your problem from my


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