upstream, branching, diverging, merging oh my!

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at
Sat Jan 27 07:52:10 GMT 2007

John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:

> Bob Tanner wrote:
> ...
>> Of course openvpn progress didn't stop, upstream kept changing, but I
>> ignored it in bliss, until today, when I realized I should be pulling
>> upstream changes into my "branch". So:
>> cd /usr/src/openvpn
>> bzr init
>> bzr add
>> bzr commit 
> If you had changed it to:
> bzr init
> bzr add --file-ids-from ../mybranch
> bzr commit

Kindly add documentation or use cases for the --file-ids-from to the
manual page (or extended --help). Looking at "bzr add --help":

    --file-ids-from=ARG  Lookup file ids from here

"*Pheh*, it does what?"


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