0.15 plans

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Jan 26 06:53:15 GMT 2007

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com> writes:

    Martin> Reply if you'd like to say what you plan to work on,
    Martin> or what you'd like others to work on.

I intent to work on:

- http authorization: Implements a digest http server with tests
  for it and tests prompting for username and/or password,

- webdav plugin: release a version updated to current bzr (long
  due and delayed because I wanted to implement more support in
  bzr itself),

- bzr annotate: factorizes annotations providing methods to be
   shared between bzr and bzr-gtk,

- tests: accelerate selftest use by re-running only failed tests,
  use TestCaseWithMemoryTransport more often,

I'd also like to participate to dir state and smart server
efforts as time permits (which it didn't this past weeks but
that's another story ;)


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