announce: loggerhead 1.1.1

Nicholas Allen allen at
Thu Jan 25 11:07:18 GMT 2007

Loggerhead is REALLY cool! Finally, bzr has a very nice web interface 
;-) I have a couple more suggestions though:

It would be nice if it were possible to change the number of lines shown 
above and below a modification. At the moment it always seems to be 
fixed at 3 lines but I quite like 5 and in some cases you may want to 
see more to get an idea of the context a particular change was made in. 
It would also be nice if you could show whole file diffs too as an option.

Another idea I had was that it would be great if you could pass remote 
branches to loggerhead to browse. It would then do its own pulling 
locally if needed for performance reasons.



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