[MERGE] bzr help locationspec
Goffredo Baroncelli
kreijack at tiscalinet.it
Sun Jan 21 14:40:22 GMT 2007
On Thursday 18 January 2007 23:42, Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> I agree with the most of your comments, but these comments are related to
Enclose a new patch, which address most of the comment of Aaron and others.
First of all, I would say that the Registry class is not able to handle the
transport as is now implemented because often more transports are registered
under the same prefix. So I still used the old registry_lazy_transport
function, with an additional parameters named "shorthelp", which is the help
passed to the transports topics. So
1) The transport topics is build on the basis of the "shorthelp" passed to the
registry_lazy_transport function. The help messages are the same of the
initial Marious patch.
2) The transport topics show only the transport/decorator ( which I
called "modifier" ) which have a shorthelp registered. So I deleted the
blacklist of the transport which we don't want to be displayed.
4) Now an user can get more info about a transport withe the follow command:
$ bzr help <protocol prefix>
Because Aaron highlighted that most of the comments in the transport classes
are outdated, the info are the one of the help_txt class field when present (
or the shorthelp otherwise).
Example of use
$ ./bzr help transports
Supported transport protocols:
http:// Read-only access of branches exported on the web.
aftp:// Access using active FTP.
https+pycurl:// Read-only access of branches exported on the web using
https+urllib:// Read-only access of branches exported on the web using
http+urllib:// Read-only access of branches exported on the web.
http+pycurl:// Read-only access of branches exported on the web.
bzr+http:// Fast access using the Bazaar smart server over HTTP.
bzr+ssh:// Fast access using the Bazaar smart server over SSH.
sftp:// Access using SFTP (most SSH servers provide SFTP).
https:// Read-only access of branches exported on the web using
ftp:// Access using passive FTP.
bzr:// Fast access using the Bazaar smart server.
Supported modifier:
readonly+ This modifier converts any transport to be readonly.
You can get more info with 'bzr help <protocol prefix>'
$ ./bzr help bzr://
This protocol permit to connect to a smart server over plain tcp.
$ ./bzr help https://
Read-only access of branches exported on the web using SSL
Commenst are welcome
gpg key@ keyserver.linux.it: Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijack at inwind.it>
Key fingerprint = CE3C 7E01 6782 30A3 5B87 87C0 BB86 505C 6B2A CFF9
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