bzr-svn 0.3 - Other weird errors

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Jan 19 16:24:53 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
>>> Hi Nicholas,
>>> This is an artefact caused by the fact that "true" pushes to Subversion
>>> aren't possible. Pushes are always "push-as-merged". Whenever you push a
>>> bazaar revision to Subversion, a new revision is added to Subversion
>>> that merges the revision you pushed. I'm afraid true pushes can't be
>>> supported easily. 
>>> The example below works currently if you add a 'bzr pull' after the
>>> first 'bzr push'. That will fetch the new revision that was added to the
>>> Subversion mainline.
>>> I'm open to suggestions for handling this better.
> When you push a revision to svn from Bazaar, can't you just set a
> property for the revision id?
> Say you have 'x at y-123' as your revision id.  To 'push' to Subversion,
> you commit a new revision.  svn sets its own changeset number, of
> course, but you set the 'bzr-revision-id' property to 'x at y-123'
> When bzr-svn is reading the contents of the repo later, it can look for
> 'bzr-revision-id' first, and fall back to the current revision-id
> mechanism if that property isn't set.
> Aaron

I've talked with Jelmer a bit on this. And he seems to really want to
avoid having a bzr revision id stored. I'm not 100% sure why, but I do
know it is something he is explicitly avoiding.

In my mind, if the data comes from bzr, then you have commit access to
svn, and it is fine to set some properties. (We already have to set
file-ids for reasons like this).

As long as it is clear what to do when those cannot be set (because you
have a readonly svn source). Which I think we have working already.

But the conversation ended with "let me think about this", so he might
change his mind, or he might come up with a reason I haven't thought of.

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