[MERGE] bzr help locationspec

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Thu Jan 18 00:22:55 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:

> ghigo at venice:~/bazaar/repo/bzr-help-topics-transport$ ./bzr help transport

I also think "transport" is a very poor topic name.  My favourite would
be "locations", I'd accept "urls", but "protocol" and "transport" aren't
good topic names, because they're not very discoverable.

> * Transport: <default>, file://
>     This is the transport agent for local filesystem access.

I don't think "transport agent" is useful terminology.  The word
"transport" is both a verb and a noun, and we use it as a noun.

Any description of the locations Bazaar accepts should include directory
paths as well as file:// urls.

"<default>" is not useful information.

> * Transport: aftp://, ftp://
>     This is the transport agent for ftp:// access.

This is too vague.  Either aftp should have its own section, or you
should describe here how it differs from ftp.

> * Transport: bzr+http://
>     Just a way to connect between a bzr+http:// url and http://.
>     This connection operates slightly differently than the SmartSSHTransport.
>     It uses a plain http:// transport underneath, which defines what remote
>     .bzr/smart URL we are connected to. From there, all paths that are sent 
> are
>     sent as relative paths, this way, the remote side can properly
>     de-reference them, since it is likely doing rewrite rules to translate an
>     HTTP path into a local path.

This is not true; the patch to do this was never merged:

Also, the description shouldn't include internal details such as

> * Transport: bzr+ssh://
>     Connection to smart server over SSH.
>     This is essentially just a factory to get 'RemoteTransport(url,
>         SmartSSHClientMedium).

Again, way too much info.  The first line is enough.

> * Transport: bzr://
>     Connection to smart server over plain tcp.
>     This is essentially just a factory to get 'RemoteTransport(url,
>         SmartTCPClientMedium).

Too much info again.

> * Transport: http+pycurl://, http://, https+pycurl://, https://
>     http client transport using pycurl
>     PyCurl is a Python binding to the C "curl" multiprotocol client.
>     This transport can be significantly faster than the builtin
>     Python client.  Advantages include: DNS caching.

Is that still an advantage?  I thought the urllib transport had closed
the gap, and there were virtually no advantages to pycurl.

> * Transport: http+urllib://, http://, https+urllib://, https://
>     Python urllib transport for http and https.

This is wrong.  http is not urllib; it varies, depending on whether you
have pycurl installed.

> * Transport: sftp://
>     Transport implementation for SFTP access.

It might be useful to note that it works with most SSH servers.
Especially given that multiple protocols have been called 'SFTP'.

> Supported decorators:

Perhaps "prefixes" would be a better term.

> --------------------------
> * Decorator: chroot+
>     A decorator that can convert any transport to be chrooted.
>     This is requested via the 'chrooted+' prefix to get_transport().
> * Decorator: readonly+
>     A decorator that can convert any transport to be readonly.
>     This is requested via the 'readonly+' prefix to get_transport().

> +# insert here the transports which haven't to be displayed

"haven't to" => "should not"

> +    transport_dict={}
> +    out=[]
> +    for proto, factory_list in _protocol_handlers.iteritems():
> +        if proto == None:
> +            proto = "<default>"

I think None should be skipped.

> +        for f in factory_list:
> +            try:
> +                if f.__module__ == "bzrlib.transport":
> +                    # this is a lazy load transport, because no real ones
> +                    # are directlry in bzrlib.transport
> +                    mod = __import__(f.module, globals(), locals(), [f.classname])
> +                    klass = getattr(mod, f.classname)
> +                else:
> +                    klass = f.__module__
> +
> +                if hasattr(klass, "help_txt"):
> +                    doc = klass.help_txt
> +                else:
> +                    doc = klass.__doc__

This is a very ugly approach.  We already have registries, which are a
much cleaner approach, so I think it would make sense to change
_supported_protocols into a Registry subclass.

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