Bazaar as Subversion replacement

Steve Borho steve at
Tue Jan 16 16:58:35 GMT 2007

On Tuesday 16 January 2007 10:33, Nicholas Allen wrote:
> Do you mean that this can already be done? One of the main uses we have
> for this is for a developer to review another developer's commits before
> merging a branch to trunk, for example. In TortoiseSVN we open the
> commit dialog and it shows every file that was changed. We can double
> click on a changed file to see what was changed and then select the
> check box next to the file name when we are happy with the changes. We
> do this for all files that changed and if they all pass review then we
> commit. Often we see mistakes during review and would like to edit them
> in place in the diff viewer (which meld and Beyond Compare bothe
> support).We would like the same workflow if we migrate to bzr. So it
> would be great if the gcommit dialog would work this way (it currently
> has the check boxes but double clicking on a changed file does not show
> the diff and olive's diff viewer is completly unusable too - which is
> why we would also want to run an external diff program).

This feature has recently been added to the tip of Qct (as in last evening).
At the moment, it is only supported by the Mercurial back-end because hg
has a built-in extension for specifying external diffs and I'm able to tie 
into that directly.  It would only take 10 minutes or so to enable this into 
the bazaar back-end if someone can suggest a useable way for Qct to discover 
the external diff program the user would like to use (environment variable?).

If you do not have Mercurial, you can download the tip of Qct from this link:

Note that Qct requires Qt4 an PyQt4, which are not very common on Windows
machines, so I've been packaging up binary executables for each release.  The 
most recent release (which does not support external diff) is available here:

I don't think many bazaar users have used Qct before (it's plugin was broken 
for some time and no-one complained), so if you use it some feedback would be 

Steve Borho (steve at
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