warning on FC5 with bzr 0.13

TK Soh teekaysoh at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 02:44:10 GMT 2007

I just updated bzr to 0.13 on my FC5 box using with yum, but received
some warning messages. Should this be an issue with FC5 or bzr? How do
I fix this? Thanks.

[tksoh at localhost ~]$ bzr version
DeprecationWarning: Modifying DEFAULT_IGNORE was deprecated in version
0.9. Consider using bzrlib.ignores.add_unique_user_ignores or
DeprecationWarning: Modifying DEFAULT_IGNORE was deprecated in version
0.9. Consider using bzrlib.ignores.add_unique_user_ignores or
Bazaar (bzr) 0.13.0
Using python interpreter: /usr/bin/python
Using python standard library: /usr/lib/python2.4
Using bzrlib: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib

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