[MERGE] Support for Putty SSH implementation

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Jan 10 17:03:00 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Dmitry Vasiliev ?8H5B:
>>> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>>>> Dmitry Vasiliev ?8H5B:
>>>>> My code was based on SSHCorpSubprocessVendor and unfortunately there are
>>>>> different semantics for '-s' option. I'll update the patch and add tests
>>>>> for this case along with the fixes proposed by Andrew.
>>>> No, this change does not helps. I have the same error anyway.
>>> Hmm, strange... If 'plink -x -a -ssh -2 -l bialix -s aaronbentley.com
>>> sftp' from the command line doesn't give you any errors then the problem
>>> can belongs to the wrapping code which I didn't touch. Anyway I'll dig
>>> into it in a few days.
> I wonder why do not provide support of sftp via plink in the paramiko library
> itself? IIRC, paramiko use OpenSSH when possible. So adding new SSH provider
> to paramiko may be more consistent?
> Robey, what you say about?
> --
> Alexander

I don't think paramiko uses Openssh, bzr uses openssh and the passes
that connection off to paramiko.

Paramiko uses a "Transport" layer (which isn't a bzr Transport)

which we hook into with SSHSubprocess.

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