Bazaar t-shirt

David Allouche ddaa at
Fri Jan 5 11:31:46 GMT 2007

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Maybe something like "Bazaar: Making distributed VCS easy", though
> people would need to understand VCS, etc.
> Bazaar: Taking the joy of coding into the joy of versioning.

In the same vein:

     If the answer
  is not one sentence
   starting with yes

   then it's a bug!

It's hard to find something graphical to talk about a VCS. Here's a
semi-graphical random idea:

  CVS     Subversion
  X-(        :-/

  Git       Bazaar
  %-o        :-)

In the same vein of friendly dissing.

  CVS: Atomic commit? What do you mean?

  Subversion: Branches? What do you mean?

  Git: User friendly? What do you mean?

  Bazaar: You mean this, don't you?

                                                            -- ddaa

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