Bazaar t-shirt

Chris Kenyon chris.kenyon at
Thu Jan 4 22:58:51 GMT 2007

How about.....

A revision control with one repository is like like a t-shirt with one 
sleeve. Limited

Bazaar - smell the coffee.

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Matthew Revell wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> Part of my role is to make sure more people know about Bazaar and what
>> it can offer them.
> I would say as a starting point, that we want people to get the core
> statement from here:
>   Our goal is to make a version control system that is a joy to use.
> We have focused on getting the edge cases right, so that people aren't
> cursing their VCS. I know of a couple places where we don't quite get
> there, but we are working on it.
>> As part of that, I'm working on a t-shirt that we can wear and give out
>> at conferences, sprints, etc.
>> It's a simple way to tell more people about Bazaar: we all know that
>> Bazaar rocks but relatively few people know it exists. The t-shirt
>> should let people know Bazaar exists and why it's cool.
>> What two or three things make Bazaar cool for you? The Bazaar t-shirt
>> should tell people, in ordinary language, how it can help them. So, I'd
>> like to pick your brains :)
> I believe that Bazaar (and distributed VCSs in general) fit open source
> development practices quite well. Or at least *good* practices. If your
> source is open, you want to allow people to make improvements, and
> contribute back with a minimum of fuss. I think we do that, and we do it
> a lot better than diff + patch. We have a tool that lets a 3rd party
> have as much flexibility as a core developer (when it comes to an VCS).
> That, to me, would be why people would like us over SVN/CVS.
> We also have a fun command:
>   $ bzr rocks
>   it sure does!
> I could see something like that being used on a t-shirt, it might at
> least spark interest. (We've had that command since the early-early
> days, as it has been used as a simple "are things working?") It is
> hidden, as it isn't really useful. But it is kind of fun.
> Bazaar also tries pretty hard to fit into a user's workflow, rather than
> trying to dictate the workflow to the user. Which goes along with the
> first point.
> Maybe something like "Bazaar: Making distributed VCS easy", though
> people would need to understand VCS, etc.
> Bazaar: Taking the joy of coding into the joy of versioning.
> Yes, those are cheesy statements, but I'm trying to get a catchy one,
> and sometimes they are pretty close together.
> John
> =:->
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Christopher Kenyon
Mob +44 7970 733 502
Tel +44 20 7052 9844
chris.kenyon at

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