Failed copyright tests?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Jan 4 02:44:05 GMT 2007

Bob Tanner wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 January 2007 20:31, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> What does 'bzr status' say, and what about 'bzr --version'?
> $ bzr pull
> Using saved location:
> 0 revision(s) pulled.
> $  bzr status
> unknown:
>   bzrlib/tests/
>   bzrlib/tests/
>   bzrlib/tests/
>   bzrlib/tests/repository_implementations/
>   bzrlib/util/urlgrabber
>   bzrlib/util/configobj/

All of the 'unknown' files are old files that we deleted at some point.
I don't know why they still exist in your version, but you can do:

bzr ls --unknown | xargs rm -rf

To get rid of them.

In a pristine tree there should be no unknown files.


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