bzr, pycurl, and self-signed certs?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Thu Jan 4 17:37:12 GMT 2007

>>>>> "bob" == Bob Tanner <tanner at> writes:

    bob> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
    >> If you need a more supported approach, voice your wish ;)
    >> I put that approach on the back burner but may give it another
    >> try if others than me need it.

    bob> I wish :-)

    bob> Migrating from cvs+pserver (ick!) to bzr, would like to host all the
    bob> repository behind https on a self-signed cert.

Have you tried using urllib instead of pycurl (i.e. use
http+urllib://host/branch instead of http://host/branch), I think
urllib do not verify certifications at all (which is bad, but may
serve you right now) ?


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