[MERGE] bzr+http:// should always try POSTing to the same location, not lots of child locations.

Andrew Bennetts andrew at canonical.com
Wed Jan 3 05:30:11 GMT 2007

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Aaron Bentley has voted -0.
> Status is now: Semi-approved
> Comment:
> This doesn't look like the right kind of fix.  I'm not sure what the 
> problem with posting to sub-urls is supposed to be, but the current 
> behavior looks right to me.  It means that you can split the load up 
> between several servers according to URL, perhaps even with different 
> authentication regimes.

I think we want all smart protocol messages to go to the URL specified by the
user.  We're removing VFS-level operations in the smart protocol, in favour of
higher-level operations like "get revisions from ABC to XYZ" and "create
branch".  When you're talking in terms of the domain objects of BzrDirs,
Branches, Repositories, Revisions and so on, it doesn't make sense to assume a
particular file layout for a BzrDir.  So in future this will never happen

So I don't see a problem with making this transition sooner — it makes it
simpler for HTTP server admins to configure a bzr smart server, and will be more
consistent with the planned behaviour in future.

If you want to split up load, and vary access control, by URL then you can still
do that — you just need to arrange for different URLs for different branches, or
repositories, or whatever units you want to vary the configuration for.  Each
branch will have its own URL, and thus the HTTP server can have different rules
for them without understanding the smart protocol, so I don't see any problem

What do for parent URLs (e.g. for accessing a shared repository) is a more
interesting question, but I'll address that in reply to John's post.


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