InvalidEntryName: Invalid entry name: te\*st

Lars Wirzenius liw at
Tue Jan 2 23:10:49 GMT 2007

Mostly just for kicks (not because I expect to use the result) I thought
I'd see if I can import the entire Debian source archive, unpacked, into
a single bzr branch. It's almost 60 gigabytes of source code, in about 4
million files. After over 24 hours of real time and about 15 hours of
CPU time, it crashed with the stack trace below. I'm sending it to the
developers in the hope it is useful in finding and fixing a bug.

I used a checkout of the branch, latest revision is 2215,
according to bzr log. I hope you'll excuse me if I don't try to update
and re-run the test before reporting. I'm willing to re-run it with a
newer version if it helps find the problem.

Incidentally, the test was run on a Linux (Debian, not entirely
up-to-date sid) machine with 1 GB of physical memory, and five gigabytes
of swap space. During the test, I increased swap space from one to five
gigabytes, since space was running out. The bzr RSS size was hovering at
around 800 megabytes for at least 12 hours, the VIRT slowly grew to two
gigabytes. There was no space for disk caching, so I assume the test
would run significantly faster if bzr used less memory. I'm not faulting
bzr for using so much memory, though, this is pretty extreme a case.

added "main/f/fslint/fslint/tstlnt/findnl/te\*st"
bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.InvalidEntryName: Invalid entry name: te\*st

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/liw/", line 650, in
    return run_bzr(argv)
  File "/home/liw/", line 612, in
    ret = run(*run_argv)
  File "/home/liw/", line 304, in
  File "/home/liw/", line 350, in run
    action=action, save=not dry_run)
  File "/home/liw/", line 148, in smart_add
    return smart_add_tree(tree, file_list, recurse, action=action,
  File "/home/liw/", line 284, in
    __add_one(tree, inv, parent_ie, directory, kind, action)
  File "/home/liw/", line 374, in __add_one
  File "/home/liw/", line 1300, in
make_entry    return InventoryFile(file_id, name, parent_id)
  File "/home/liw/", line 668, in
    super(InventoryFile, self).__init__(file_id, name, parent_id)
  File "/home/liw/", line 292, in
    raise errors.InvalidEntryName(name=name)
InvalidEntryName: Invalid entry name: te\*st

bzr 0.14.0dev0 on python (linux2)
arguments: ['/home/liw/', 'add', '.']

Wolfen one, you are my midday moon and I your midnight sun.

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