[MERGE] Re: Don't catch AssertionError

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Tue Jan 2 20:00:49 GMT 2007

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>For details, see:
> Interestingly enough, I think this message combined with 'format=flowed'
> causes a space to appear between
> %3C6856D6D8-79EC-
> and
> 4B48-9AE1-5373D8CFDA1E%40lag.net%3E
> (And you can see how my email client wrapped it in the reply)

Yes, I've noticed that at least once in the past, and again today.

> It may be that whatever trick you are using to create 'flowed' text
> tries to look for hyphens to break lines on. Is it possible to disable that?

I'm using textwrap.wrap  It looks like I have to subclass TextWrapper to 
disable that behavior.


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