[RFC] Authentication and supporting Push through bzr+http://

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Dec 22 13:25:00 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>>>>>> "jam" == John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:
>     jam> I've been trying to think about how to expose both a
>     jam> readonly and write-if-authenticated smart server support
>     jam> for the bzr+http:// protocol. I have a general idea that
>     jam> I wanted to discuss, though I'm not sure how to actually
>     jam> implement it yet.
>     jam> Basically, you would configure 2 SmartWSGIApps, one
>     jam> using a readonly transport, and one with a normal
>     jam> transport. (By the way, one of the *really* *really*
>     jam> weird things about this layering is that you could
>     jam> actually expose a connection to a 3rd party machine
>     jam> using bzr+ssh or sftp as the back end :)
>     jam> Anyway, you would check if the user had been
>     jam> authenticated, and if they had, you would call
>     jam> writable_wsgi_server.run(req) versus
>     jam> readonly_wsgi_server.run(req).
> I think that should be doubled on the http side by adding:
> 	<LimitExcept GET HEAD OPTIONS>
> 		Require valid-user
> 	</LimitExcept>
> inside the appropriate Directory directive.
>     jam> The real trick is that if you get a
>     jam> TransportNotPossible, you could translate it into a HTTP
>     jam> 401 "Unauthorized" response.
> The modification above will trigger 401 for all requests except

All smart server requests are POST requests. If you want to have
readonly be a dumb http transfer, you can already do that by just
requiring authentication for .bzr/smart.


> *Iff* the smart server protocol use POST for write operations and
>  GET/HEAD for read operations, the proposed configuration
>  modification could be enough. But I'm not sure the separation is
>  clean today nor that it will stay that way.
>        Vincent

It isn't really reasonable to use GET for read operations, since you
will be sending a lot of data up. Like the future query to pass parts of
the local revision history, so that you can get a return value of what
is different in the remote revision history.

Some of the readonly requests are going to be passing several KB (10,
100?, 1M?) So I don't think that is well handled by GET.

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