loggerhead: alternative web front-end

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Dec 18 18:16:11 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1

Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> On Monday 18 December 2006 12:09, you (Nicholas Allen) wrote:
>>> One tactic I tried at first was to SHA-1 the revid before displaying 
>>> it.  While it was shorter and just as unique, it was also even more 
>>> meaningless than before.  Two people I showed it to -- both strong 
>>> coders but not using bazaar -- hated it and thought it was distracting.
>>> I know the dotted-revno may change as the branch is updated, but I 
>>> figured for a single browsing session, it will almost always stay the 
>>> same.
>> I wish this part of bazaar would be changed (or at least configurable so 
>> that revnos are guaranteed not to change) then this wouldn't be a problem
>> See bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/products/bzr/+bug/73752
>> Nick
> I think that the problem is not only that revno may change in the parent 
> branch during a merge; but that revno _changes_ between branches
> Goffredo

A revno will only change in a parent branch if it is a pull rather than
a merge. Before the merge, the child branch revision doesn't exist
anywhere in the parent so it doesn't have a parent branch revno.
After merging, it will get a dotted revno.
If you push/pull instead of merge, the child revision is now the tip,
and the revnos switch over to the values for the neighbor branch.

I don't think it is a problem that revnos are not the same between
branches. The only concern is that there is an easy to do operation,
which can drastically change the view of history presented by
Branch.revision_history(). (Consider merging a plugin into core, that
could also end up looking like merging core into a plugin, which is a
very different view).

Dotted revnos are actually quite stable. A different problem is that
they get a little too long depending on how 'branchy' a project is. (In
a star topology it works really well, full-mesh gets ugly)

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