[MERGE] Allow writable bzr+http://

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sat Dec 16 00:05:43 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1

(this time with a patch)

The attached patch updates the documentation a little bit, and then
allows a flag to allow the WSGI app to expose a bzr+http:// connection
which can be written to.

In the new doc, I mention that we have a small impedance mismatch
between the smart protocol and authentication.

The problem is that we expect authentication to be done at a higher
level, such as by ssh or by Apache. So the smart protocol itself has no
support for Authentication. However, to Apache everything just looks
like a POST, so once you allow writing, you have allowed it to everyone
who has access to .bzr/smart.

The best I could come up with, would be to have 2 urls. Something like:


Where you could have /srv/example.com/code-rw just be a symlink to
/srv/example.com/code, but it would give you another Directory entry in
Apache's config so that you could serve it by a slightly different script.

I guess the other possibility would be to have the handler be aware if
the user has been Authenticated. I assume it must be somewhere in the
wsgi environment settings. Then you could have the request handler use a
different smart_server_app which could be read-only or read-write as

I'll try to look into what that would take, and see if I can add that to
the documentation and examples.


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