loggerhead: alternative web front-end

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at tiscalinet.it
Fri Dec 15 18:19:26 GMT 2006

On Friday 15 December 2006 12:10, Robey Pointer wrote:
> I've been using bazaar-webserve as the web interface for paramiko's  
> bazaar branch for many months now, and while it works well, the user  
> interface has been vexing me.  Since I have a short vacation right  
> now, I decided to tackle the templates and CSS there and try to fix  
> them into a decent working shape.  Long story short, I saw the  
> recursive template language, made a few disappointing forays, and  
> gave up.
> So: I have written an alternate version using TurboGears.  I copied a  
> lot of Goffredo's core code from webserve, and so carried over his  
> copyright and the GPL, but the interface is all new and uses kid  
> templates.  By the way, I want to say here that while the templating  
> code made me feel really ill, the logic inside webserve is well  
> thought-out, and a few times I tried to rewrite things my own way  
> only to end up realizing webserve was doing it the right way all  
> along and I should just copy it.
> I guess what I'm saying is, I didn't do this as a slam on webserve, I  
> did it because I want the web interface to look nice.
> The code is hosted in a bazaar branch (of course) here:
> 	http://www.lag.net/~robey/code/loggerhead/
> And I'm hosting the bzr.dev branch through logger head here, if you'd  
> like to check it out:
> 	http://www.lag.net/bzr.dev/
> If anyone has suggestions, comments, flames, patches, etc, I'm open  
> for them.

Really nice work; I like a lot the look and feel.

However I have some suggestions:

* In a web interface, the revno has low importance due to the its inability to 
be stable between different branches. 
After some experiment, I reached the conclusion that it is better to show both 
the information ( revid and revno ), because the revno represent better the 
topology, and the revid is stable between the branches.

* In history pages, in order to permit a better browsing I shows also the 
following information:
  - merge points
  - the possible heads ( think about a branch in the future)
http://goffredo-baroncelli.homelinux.net/bazaar-dev/bzr-sha1?cmd=changelog;otherrevid=;rev=john%40arbash-meinel.com-20060817133350-22c93d5770f97d1b;pathrevid=;path= )

* In the diff, it is no so obvious that the green lines are the added lines 
and the red lines are the removed lines; is it possible to add the '+' 
and '-' simbol at the begin of the lines ? 

* When you display information on a file, you pass in the url the revid and 
the path, so how you handle a rename case ( the same file may have different 
name in differ revision )? In webserve, I pass the tuple:
- path		-> the path
- pathrevid     -> the revision related to the path
- revid         -> the revision when you want to watch

From the first two I compute the fileid. 

Regarding the copyright owner, I have to highlight that my work is a derived 
work of the mercurial web interface, so I have also Matt Mackal as copyright 

> I'm going to make a separate thread about a performance issue I ran  
> into... :)
> robey
> (PS. A loggerhead is a type of sea turtle.)

gpg key@ keyserver.linux.it: Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijack at inwind.it>
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