Exception PathNotChild while updating with 'bzr pull'
Toni Mueller
support at oeko.net
Wed Dec 13 16:31:45 GMT 2006
I was just trying to update the webserve plugin. My setup looks like
/webserve -> ../webserve
I just updated bzr (I run bzr using a symlink from within my path to the
checked out tree) and bzrtools to current (0.14dev0). After that, I went to
~/.bazaar/plugins/bazaar-webserve and ran 'bzr upgrade' because the tree wasn't
in knit format, and, after that, 'bzr pull' to get the latest and greatest.
This is the result:
birch 17:19:43 ~/.bazaar/plugins/bazaar-webserve
$ bzr pull
Using saved location: http://goffredo-baroncelli.homelinux.net/bazaar-dev/bazaar-webserve/
bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.PathNotChild: Path u'/usr/home/toni/.bazaar/plugins/webserve/templates/changelog.tmpl' is not a child of path u'/usr/home/toni/.bazaar/plugins/bazaar-webserve'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/commands.py", line 637, in run_bzr_catch_errors
return run_bzr(argv)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/commands.py", line 599, in run_bzr
ret = run(*run_argv)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/commands.py", line 292, in run_argv_aliases
return self.run(**all_cmd_args)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/builtins.py", line 564, in run
count = tree_to.pull(branch_from, overwrite, rev_id)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/decorators.py", line 51, in write_locked
return unbound(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/workingtree.py", line 1158, in pull
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/merge.py", line 960, in merge_inner
return merger.do_merge()
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/merge.py", line 270, in do_merge
merge = self.merge_type(pb=self._pb, **kwargs)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/merge.py", line 387, in __init__
file_status = self.merge_contents(file_id)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/merge.py", line 593, in merge_contents
trans_id = self.tt.trans_id_file_id(file_id)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/transform.py", line 211, in trans_id_file_id
return self.trans_id_tree_file_id(file_id)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/transform.py", line 200, in trans_id_tree_file_id
return self.trans_id_tree_path(path)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/transform.py", line 240, in trans_id_tree_path
path = self.canonical_path(path)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/transform.py", line 234, in canonical_path
relpath = self._tree.relpath(abs)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/workingtree.py", line 457, in relpath
return osutils.relpath(self.basedir, path)
File "/usr/home/staff/mnt/scm/bzr.dev/bzrlib/osutils.py", line 811, in relpath
raise errors.PathNotChild(rp, base)
PathNotChild: Path u'/usr/home/toni/.bazaar/plugins/webserve/templates/changelog.tmpl' is not a child of path u'/usr/home/toni/.bazaar/plugins/bazaar-webserve'
bzr 0.14.0dev0 on python 2.4.4.candidate.0 (linux2)
arguments: ['/home/toni/bin/bzr', 'pull']
** please send this report to bazaar-ng at lists.ubuntu.com
Subsequent attempts to 'bzr pull' ran without any errors.
Kind Regards,
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