[MERGE] support for win32 UNC path (bug #57869)

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Dec 6 23:38:23 GMT 2006

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> This patch provide support for win32 UNC path like: \\HOST\path.
> Here the test and modification in urlutils win32*/to/from/_url.
> bzr branch http://bialix.aaronbentley.com/win32.unc-path/
> Alexander

It makes more sense from the URL spec that these would be interpreted as:


rather than

In general URL's are:


And 'file:///' has 3 slashes because you have no host.

So if you are switching to a form that has a host: 'file://host/' makes

That said, I can see why it might be easier to do it the other way.

So I would like to request that you do it the other way, but if you feel
it would be too difficult, I can approve this form.


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