[PATCH] Windows testsuite fixes [1/4]

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Mon Dec 4 19:45:24 GMT 2006

>>>>> "aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> writes:

    aaron> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
    >> while the above point is handled separately. (i.e. Hey
    >> bundle buggy, please, make the previous patch superseded
    >> by that one (and eventually carry the already gathered +1
    >> :))

    aaron> Requests are marked superseded if a new request
    aaron> includes the head revision from an old request in its
    aaron> bundle.

Hmm, so I lost here. I rebuild the bundle by uncommit/shelve/take
the unwanted part out/branch a fresh bzr/unshelve.

    aaron> I think carrying the already-gathered +1 isn't
    aaron> necessarily appropriate in the general case,
    aaron> because the changes may have introduced a new problem
    aaron> that negates the original +1.

Fully agreed.

In that particular case, I was afraid that, reverting only one
change on top of just adding it, was asking for trouble for
future merges.

Thanks for explaining bundle buggy's behavior,


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