[MERGE][0.13] Dynamic fulltext

Richard Wilbur richard.wilbur at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 11:11:02 GMT 2006

On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 15:40 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> 2) _add_delta() is saying that I have a delta, and I want to add it. And
> VersionedFile._add_delta() expands it to a fulltext, and adds it that way.
I believe my confusion stemmed from the two different uses of the phrase
"add delta":
1.  Store an additional difference set in the revision history (instead
of a "fulltext").

as opposed to,

2.  Add a difference set to the full text of a versioned file to produce
a new version of the full text.

I was under the impression that "add delta" always denoted the former.
Thank you for your kind explanation.

> The comment here should probably be fixed, it is a remnant of my
> refactoring process.

Maybe something like:
  # We don't want to store a delta here, just do a normal insertion by
  # adding the delta to the fulltext.

> VersionedFile.add_* calls self._add_* to get the work done. And the
> default _add_delta() implementation just expands the text back to a full
> text, and calls self.add_lines(). So it would go around the loop again,
> but this time as a full text, rather than just a partial.
> I would be happy to deprecate and remove .add_delta() since it is not
> being used.
> John
> =:->

I have no burden either way about add_delta() as it seems more efficient
to deal with file differences than the full text.

Thanks for the note of clarification,


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