Line endings again

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at
Wed Nov 29 22:21:46 GMT 2006

I just found an option for Eclipse that can specify the new line ending
when creating new files. Also, it seems to preserve the line ending
style of files it opens. So the situation is not as dire as I thought
;-) As long as every developer remembers to set the line ending style to
unix for new files things should be ok. But still I think this is a
pretty essential feature of an RCS so I hope it gets fixed soon....


Nicholas Allen wrote:
> Hi,
> I hope you don't mind that I bring this topic up again! I just started
> working on a Java project that I want to use Eclipse for and bzr as the
> RCS. There is another developer working with me and he uses Eclipse too.
> I am on Linux and he is on Windows. When using Eclipse it always saves
> text files with the OS line ending.
> This is quite a large problem as it means that bazaar cannot really be
> used to develop a cross platform Java app using Eclipse. Seeing as
> nearly all Java apps are cross platform, developed using Eclipse and
> developed on different platforms this is quite a severe limitation...
> Is there a specification or some idea of when this feature will be
> implemented?
> Cheers,
> Nick

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