git and bzr

Shawn Pearce spearce at
Tue Nov 28 21:53:32 GMT 2006

Linus Torvalds <torvalds at> wrote:
> There are lots of reasons why "git status" may tell you that something 
> isn't merged. The most common one by far being an actual data conflict, 
> not a name conflict. The reason for why something conflicts is always told 
> at merge-time.

Except when you are doing a large merge, your terminal scrollback
is really short, and there's a lot of conflicts.  Then you can't
see what merge said about any given file.  :-(

Fortunately its easy to back out of the merge and redo it with
large enough scrollback, or redirecting it to a file for later
review, but its annoying that we don't save that information off
for later review.


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