[REGRESSION][MERGE] Knit indexes incorrect with unicode keys

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Nov 28 16:04:12 GMT 2006

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
>>> This patch fixes a regression introduced by the utf8 cache [I think]
>>> where we fail to decode unicode keys in the knit index.
> Bundle Buggy didn't notice this one because the subject didn't *begin*
> with "[MERGE".  Should I relax the rules to match [MERGE anywhere in the
> subject?
> (Oh, and it didn't recognize the other one as a bundle because the
> newlines were CRLF)
> Aaron

I think relaxing it to allow [merge] to be anywhere would be good.

It might also be nice to handle CRLF, but I'm less concerned with that
at the moment.


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