RFC: bzr co --lightweight to exiting directory "." not possible

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at cante.net
Sat Nov 18 14:07:12 GMT 2006

I'd like to propose that the checkout would be possible to the exiting

        cd /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp
        <lot of stuff already>
        bzr co --lightweight /the/central/emacs/dev/dir .
        bzr: ERROR: Target directory "." already exists.

I went through workaround:

        cd /usr/share/emacs/
        bzr co --lightweight /the/central/emacs/dev/dir temp
        mv temp/*  /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp
        rmdir temp

But this is unconevenient. I suggest

        allowing checkout to existing directories WHEN there is no .bzr
        directory already.

Bzr in use was 0.11/Debian.


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