[PATCH] Tests for KnitContent class (Revisited)

Dmitry Vasiliev lists at hlabs.spb.ru
Fri Nov 17 12:33:57 GMT 2006

> Dmitry Vasiliev wrote:
>> While learning Bazaar codebase I've wrote tests for KnitContent class. 
>> BTW it seems methods KnitContent.line_delta(_iter) don't used anywhere?

 From Bundle Buggy:

> Aaron Bentley: -1
> There are some function signature changes here, as well as re-styling of code.
> Changing line_delta_iter(self, new_lines) to line_delta_iter(self, new_content)
> means that any code that does content.line_delta_iter(new_lines=new_lines) will break.
> Since you haven't followed deprecation procedures, I can't support this.
> I guess your revised implementation is clearer, so I support that.  > But I think this needs to not break the API before we can merge it.

I fully agree with the comments and in the new (attached) version of the patch 
I've decided to not change the signatures for now since 
KnitContent.line_delta(_iter) methods should be reviewed anyway (see my 
comments above).

Dmitry Vasiliev (dima at hlabs.spb.ru)
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