[MERGE] enhanced mv command

Wouter van Heyst larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org
Thu Nov 16 17:42:37 GMT 2006

On Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 10:07:11AM +0100, Hanns-Steffen Eichenberg wrote:
> Aloha,
> this patch contains an enhanced version of the mv command. The mv command
> can now
> operate on already moved files (moved on the file system). I tried to
> incorporate as much
> input from this mailing list as i could.
> I will start to implement an auto detect feature for moved files as soon as
> this work can be
> considered 'closed'.
> Ciao,
>  Steffen


>          self.run_bzr_error(
> -            ["^bzr: ERROR: destination u'sub1' is not a versioned directory$"],
> +            ["^bzr: ERROR: destination .* is not a versioned directory$"],
>              'mv', 'test.txt', 'sub1')

You have a couple of these changes u'sub1' -> .*, and also employ them
in new code. I'm a bit concerned that will not catch unwanted changes
(or, I'm not a fan of the u'foo' mode and would like to see it gone
entirely someday). Not blocking on that though.

> +    def test_mv_already_moved_file_to_versioned_target(self):
> +        """a and b are in the repository. User does
> +        rm b; mv a b; bzr mv a b"""
> +        self.build_tree(['a', 'b'])
> +        tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
> +        tree.add(['a', 'b'])
> +        tree.commit('initial commit')
> +    
> +        os.remove('a')
> +        self.run_bzr_error(
> +            ["^bzr: ERROR: can't rename: new name .* is already versioned$"],
> +            'mv', 'a', 'b')
> +        self.failIfExists('a')
> +        self.failUnlessExists('b')

In the docstring you mention the user does 'rm b; mv a b; bzr mv a b',
but in the code you do os.remove('a'). The error string is the same for
both cases, shouldn't they be differentiated?

> +    def test_mv_already_moved_file_into_subdir(self):
> +        """a and sub1/ are in the repository. User does
> +        mv a sub1/a; bzr mv a sub1/a"""
> +        self.build_tree(['a', 'sub1/'])
> +        tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
> +        tree.add(['a', 'sub1'])
> +        tree.commit('initial commit')
> +        
> +        os.rename('a', 'sub1/a')
> +        self.run_bzr('mv', 'a', 'sub1/a')
> +        self.failIfExists('a')
> +        self.failUnlessExists('sub1/a')


> +    def test_mv_already_moved_files_into_subdir(self):
> +        """a1, a2, sub1 are in the repository. User does
> +        mv a1 sub1/.; bzr mv a1 a2 sub1"""
> +        self.build_tree(['a1', 'a2', 'sub1/'])
> +        tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
> +        tree.add(['a1', 'a2', 'sub1'])
> +        tree.commit('initial commit')
> +
> +        os.rename('a1', 'sub1/a1')
> +        self.run_bzr('mv', 'a1', 'a2', 'sub1')
> +        self.failIfExists('a1')
> +        self.failIfExists('a2')
> +        self.failUnlessExists('sub1/a1')
> +        self.failUnlessExists('sub1/a2')

test_mv_already_moved_files_into_subdir is quite like
test_mv_already_moved_file_into_subdir. I'm guessing the latter one is
to test the move modes being determined independently per file? Do we
really need both?

> +    def test_mv_already_moved_files_into_unversioned_subdir(self):
> +        """a1, a2 are in the repository, sub1 is not. User does
> +        mv a1 sub1/.; bzr mv a1 a2 sub1"""
> +        self.build_tree(['a1', 'a2', 'sub1/'])
> +        tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
> +        tree.add(['a1', 'a2'])
> +        tree.commit('initial commit')
> +
> +        os.rename('a1', 'sub1/a1')
> +        self.run_bzr_error(
> +            ["^bzr: ERROR: destination .* is not a versioned directory$"],
> +            'mv', 'a1', 'a2', 'sub1')
> +        self.failIfExists('a1')
> +        self.failUnlessExists('a2')
> +        self.failUnlessExists('sub1/a1')
> +        self.failIfExists('sub1/a2')

Same thing for test_mv_already_moved_file_into_unversioned_subdir and
I won't repeat it anymore

> +
> +    def test_mv_already_moved_file_forcing_after(self):
> +        """a is in the repository, b does not exist. User does
> +        mv a b; touch a; bzr mv a b"""
> +        self.build_tree(['a', 'b'])
> +        tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
> +        tree.add(['a'])
> +        tree.commit('initial commit')
> +
> +        self.run_bzr_error(
> +            ["^bzr: ERROR: can't rename: both, old name .* and new name .*"
> +             " exist. Use option '--after' to force rename."],
> +            'mv', 'a', 'b')
> +        self.failUnlessExists('a')
> +        self.failUnlessExists('b')

The error message is only clear to me because I've read what is being
tested, if I didn't know that, it would be puzzling.

> === modified file bzrlib/tests/workingtree_implementations/test_workingtree.py 
> ... // last-changed:scameronde at googlemail.com-20061113084737-6d184e0e1527168d /
> ... / executable:yes
> --- bzrlib/tests/workingtree_implementations/test_workingtree.py
> +++ bzrlib/tests/workingtree_implementations/test_workingtree.py
> @@ -681,3 +681,50 @@


> === modified file bzrlib/workingtree.py // executable:yes
> --- bzrlib/workingtree.py
> +++ bzrlib/workingtree.py
> @@ -959,123 +959,287 @@
>                  stack.pop()
>      @needs_tree_write_lock
> -    def move(self, from_paths, to_name):
> +    def move(self, from_paths, to_dir=None, after=False, **kwargs):
>          """Rename files.
> -        to_name must exist in the inventory.
> +        to_dir must exist in the inventory.
> -        If to_name exists and is a directory, the files are moved into
> +        If to_dir exists and is a directory, the files are moved into
>          it, keeping their old names.  
> -        Note that to_name is only the last component of the new name;
> +        Note that to_dir is only the last component of the new name;
>          this doesn't change the directory.
> +        For each entry in from_paths the move mode will be determined 
> +        independently.
> +
> +        The first mode moves the file in the filesystem and updates the 
> +        inventory. The second mode only updates the inventory without 
> +        touching the file on the filesystem. This is the new mode introduced 
> +        in version 0.13.
> +        
> +        move uses the second mode if 'after == True' and the target is not
> +        versioned but present in the working tree.
> +
> +        move uses the second mode if 'after == False' and the source is 
> +        versioned but no longer in the working tree, and the target is not 
> +        versioned but present in the working tree.
> +
> +        move uses the first mode if 'after == False' and the source is 
> +        versioned and present in the working tree, and the target is not 
> +        versioned and not present in the working tree.
> +
> +        Everything else results in an error.
> +
>          This returns a list of (from_path, to_path) pairs for each
>          entry that is moved.
>          """
> -        result = []
> -        ## TODO: Option to move IDs only
> +        rename_entries = []
> +        rename_tuples = []
> +
> +        # check for deprecated use of signature
> +        if to_dir is None:
> +            to_dir = kwargs.get('to_name', None)
> +            if to_dir is None:
> +                raise TypeError('You must supply a target directory')
> +            else:
> +                symbol_versioning.warn('The parameter to_name was deprecated'
> +                                       ' in version 0.13. Use to_dir instead',
> +                                       DeprecationWarning)

Is raising a TypeError the right thing to do?

> +    def _determine_mv_mode(self, rename_entries, after=False):
> +        """Determines for each from-to pair if both inventory and working tree
> +        or only the inventory has to be changed.
> +
> +        Also does basic plausability tests.
> +        """
> +        inv = self.inventory
> +
> +        for rename_entry in rename_entries:
> +            # store to local variables for easier reference
> +            from_rel = rename_entry.from_rel
> +            from_id = rename_entry.from_id
> +            to_rel = rename_entry.to_rel
> +            to_id = inv.path2id(to_rel)
> +            only_change_inv = False
> +
> +            # check the inventory for source and destination
> +            if from_id is None:
> +                raise BzrError("can't rename: old name %r is not versioned" % 
> +                               from_rel)
> +            if to_id is not None:
> +                raise BzrError("can't rename: new name %r is already"
> +                               " versioned" % to_rel)
> +
> +            # try to determine the mode for rename (only change inv or change 
> +            # inv and file system)
> +            if after:
> +                if not self.has_filename(to_rel):
> +                    raise BzrError("can't rename: new working file %r does not"
> +                                   " exist" % to_rel)

You don't seem to test for this possibility.

> +                only_change_inv = True
> +            elif not self.has_filename(from_rel) and self.has_filename(to_rel):
> +                only_change_inv = True
> +            elif self.has_filename(from_rel) and not self.has_filename(to_rel):
> +                only_change_inv = False
> +            else:
> +                # something is wrong, so lets determine what exactly
> +                if not self.has_filename(from_rel) and \
> +                   not self.has_filename(to_rel):
> +                    raise BzrError("can't rename: neither old name %r nor new"
> +                                   " name %r exist" % (from_rel, to_rel))

Nor this one.

> +                else:
> +                    raise BzrError("can't rename: both, old name %r and new"
> +                                   " name %r exist. Use option '--after' to"
> +                                   " force rename." % (from_rel, to_rel))
> +            rename_entry.set_only_change_inv(only_change_inv)                       
> +        return rename_entries
> +
> +    def _move(self, rename_entries):
> +        """Moves a list of files.
> +
> +        Depending on the value of the flag 'only_change_inv', the
> +        file will be moved on the file system or not.
> +        """
> +        inv = self.inventory
> +        moved = []
> +
> +        for entry in rename_entries:
> +            try:
> +                self._move_entry(entry)
> +            except OSError, e:
> +                self._rollback_move(moved)
> +                raise BzrError("failed to rename %r to %r: %s" %
> +                               (entry.from_rel, entry.to_rel, e[1]))
> +            except BzrError, e:
> +                self._rollback_move(moved)
> +                raise
> +            moved.append(entry)
> +
> +    def _rollback_move(self, moved):
> +        """Try to rollback a previous move in case of an error in the 
> +        filesystem.
> +        """
> +        inv = self.inventory
> +        for entry in moved:
> +            try:
> +                self._move_entry(entry, inverse=True)
> +            except OSError, e:
> +                raise BzrError("error moving files. rollback failed. the"
> +                               " working tree is in an inconsistent state."
> +                               " please consider doing a 'bzr revert'."
> +                               " error message is: %s" % e[1])

Can this be tested? Also not blocking, but would be good to know it
works. As is, +0.8 with Aaron's concerns addressed.

Wouter van Heyst
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