[RFC] Clean up progress bars during fetch

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Nov 9 08:21:24 GMT 2006

>>>>> "Marius" == Marius Kruger <amanic at gmail.com> writes:

    Marius> hi,
    Marius> You requested comments on the alternative progress bars.

    Marius> I think this one makes the most sense
    Marius> Bar inbetween:
    Marius> \ 1/6 Finding involved files [======                        ] 1151/8236

    Marius> because (if I understand it right)
    Marius> * the 'Finding involved files' describes the '1/6' , which is nice like a
    Marius> numbered list in documents and html:
    Marius> * the progress bar shows the second level progress  assosiated the item
    Marius> index '1151/8236'

    Marius> thus the progress tree follows logically from left to right from high-level
    Marius> to low-level.

My brain do not parse '1/6 Finding involved files ( 173/8236)'
and '[===== ]' in the same way. So I prefer to have them grouped
(or separated if you prefer), i.e:

| [=====                       ] 1/6 Finding involved files ( 173/8236)


/ [1/6] Finding involved files (1789/8236) [======                      ]

But I also buy your grouping between ('1/6', 'Finding involved
files') in one group and ('1151/8236', '[===== ]') in another,
for the logical reason you invoked.

So my vote would be:

/ [1/6] Finding involved files (1789/8236) [======                      ]

I read from left to right so it's easier for my eyes to parse the
beginning of the line ignoring the '[===== ]' part (the leading
/-\| is small enough to be ignored even if it's related to the
'[===== ]' in a 'visual category' sort of way).

At other moments, when bored, I will look at the blinken lights
('[===== ]'), so I'll appreciate if I can lazily find it roughly
at the same place every time ;)

I have a slight preference for parentheses, but very slight
(easier parsing again).


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