Announce: Bundle Buggy

Robey Pointer robey at
Thu Nov 9 01:06:05 GMT 2006

On 2 Nov 2006, at 22:18, Aaron Bentley wrote:

> The source is here:
> It's a TurboGears project.  (I'll get GPL notices in there soon.)
> It provides UI for voting, and can autodetect when a bundle has been
> merged or superseded.  It will notify the list when a new request  
> comes
> in, and when people vote.
> (For now, voting is restricted to core devs, i.e. those whose votes  
> can
> cause a merge to be approved.  If others wish to vote, we can  
> revisit that.)

I thought the policy was that anyone interested could vote?  I know I  
don't vote often, but I'd been assuming my votes counted.  ie: Is  
this a polite way to ask some of us to butt out?


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