Weekly 0.13 release summary.

Wouter van Heyst larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org
Wed Nov 8 14:27:29 GMT 2006

Hi all, this is my weekly summary, which I hope to send out every week
on Monday. THis issue is a bit late, my apologies for that.

For the 0.13 release I'm doing things a bit differently from the
previous releases. Instead of retargeting everything left-over from 0.12
to 0.13, I'm trying to only target things that I'm confident will land. 
Going over the list of bugs/specs and targeting them to 0.13 when
they're implemented and merged is thus an ongoing effort. 

I haven't gone through all the specs yet, but they look like they need
some triaging. If you know the status should be different, please change
it so it reflects reality. Bugs too of course, please help keep our
launchpad pages healthy and usable :)

I don't plan to set any hard release goals, but I do really want
to have bug 43923 (changing init-repo default to --trees) resolved.
Other than that, some things I'd _like_ to see more progress on, and
ideally land:

    Essential   Fast working tree state format
    High        Tags for Bazaar
    High        Submit changes by mail
    Medium      Supporting nested trees in Bazaar
    Medium      Support path kind changing without delete and add pairs

  The seperate help topics branch (#42714) and the bzrlib.urllib.keepalive
  one (see below).

I'd like to hear what people think they can get done on time (remember,
feature freeze is on the 20th), or patches I've overlooked that should
really get merged in 0.13. Any feedback is welcomed, really!

Wouter van Heyst

Below is a list of merged/pending bugs I started on before Aaron
announced his excellent Bundle Buggy, it might not be complete, but I'm
including it for reference anyway.

    30190   'bzr cat' requires full path in old revision
    66964   bzr mv doesn't gracefully handle symlinks to directories in paths
    65714   bzr 0.11 takes an inordinate amount of time to process a commit
    29488   bzr ignore doesn't allow multiple arguments
    4559    ignore trailing slash in ignore patterns
    49172   sftp connection failure should raise a more specific exception
    50793   Better handling of non-existent file argument
    64789   dict compress new revisions as they are added to knits
    32054   if commit fails commit message draft is lost
    45205   Test cases in python optimized mode
    55466   scan-cache command is broken

bugs pending merge:


    45719   update command cannot take a revision number


    62029   bzr + cherokee


    42714   space for help topics that are not commands


The bzr.urllib.keepalive branch has been around for a couple of releases
now and fixes http range/keepalive/auth bugs.

    48527   bzr pull should support http authentication       
    44647   Password protected directories on http server can only be accessed by specifying the password in the URL
    42383   http transport should tell that authentication is required instead of failing with an HTTPError exception     
    62276   invalid range access during branch over http    
    57644   keepalive Unable to handle http code 403
    53654   http+urllib:// doesn't keep alive connections, and makes too m...

Confirmed bugs without known fix:

    32669   Adding a symlink to another branch fails
    43923   Switching repos default to --trees: 
    62539   Re: 'module' object has no attribute 'TIOCGWINSZ'

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