Ann: updated "heads" plugin (now on Launchpad)

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Tue Nov 7 08:42:11 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I've update functionality of "heads" plugin. Now I think it's more
>> usable. I also create for this plugin project page on launchpad:
>> Comments and suggestions are welcome.
>> --
>> Alexander
> I'm happy to hear that.
> There are a couple things which you might want to update in Launchpad,
> so that the project is using LP well.

Thank you for your tips.

> 1) This is a minor thing, butt setting your Trunk release series to use
> your trunk branch means that in the future, Launchpad can do some
> auto-detection of when things get merged, etc.


> 2) You have the project as owned by yourself, which is fine if that is
> what you want. We frequently have plugins owned by the 'bazaar' group,
> which is the group that owns 'bzr'. That allows anyone in the bzr group
> to update settings. You may or may not want that. I've also created a
> new group for one of my plugins, you may want to do that instead.

Fixed. (I don't know how to do this).

> 3) You should setup Malone as a bug tracker for your project. It might
> be arguable that this should be one of the launchpad setup steps, rather
> than the user needing to know to do it. The link should be:
> But since I don't have rights to change it, I can't confirm the link.


> 4) There is a tradition of naming bzr plugin projects as 'bzr-foo' for
> plugin 'foo'. 'bzrtools' is unique since it has the name already, but
> 'bzr-pqm', 'bzr-bisect', 'bzr-cia', 'bzr-email', ...
> You can rename your project at any time by going to the 'Edit Project
> Details' link:

I can't rename product name. Only 'Display name'. So my mistake stay.

> Obviously if you rename the project the '/heads/' portion of all of
> these links needs to be changed to whatever you set it to.
> I filed a Launchpad bug about having the bug tracker information be part
> of a new project setup.

Well, after try to register 2 products on Launchpad I could say that
it's very hard and non-obvious for beginners how to properly set up all
tiny details. Where is user guide for Launchpad?

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