Feature Request: 'bzr mv --after' to tell bzr that file(s) have already been moved in the working tree

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Sat Nov 4 11:20:30 GMT 2006

On 11/3/06, Hanns-Steffen Eichenberg <scameronde at googlemail.com> wrote:
> From our 100 developers about 40 are programming Java using Eclipse. No,
> no. I am not calling for an Eclipse Plugin :-) We know how to operate on the
> command line. But it is very common work to refactor code from within
> Eclipse. This includes moving and renaming of files. What we need is a way
> to tell bzr, that a file under version control HAS BEEN MOVED. It is no
> option to move the file using bzr, since this would interrupt the workflow
> in Eclipse and would make unnecessary synchronizations necessary. The dvcs
> Mercury uses the option '--after' to tell the vcs to update the repository
> to reflect the actual situation in the working tree.
> I really would like to see an option like '--after' for the mv command. It
> shouldn't be too complicated (in fact i hacked bzr 0.13.0dev0 to accept
> the --after option for the mv command and just update the repository, not
> the working tree. I do not know if i have done it correct, but it works for
> me). It works like:
>   $ bzr mv text1.txt text2.txt --after
> telling bzr that someone has moved test1.txt to text2.txt.
> Has this feature been discussed before? Is the idea good or am i missing
> something that makes it just plain silly?

Being a eclipse user I know your pain!
It is probably the most anoying bzr problem for me at the moment.
We have discussed it before on the mailing list, and the is a bug noted in
launchpad (sort of):

But yes it will make me soooo happy if someone will just fix this, even if
it is with a flag for now,
we could always continue to debate if it should be automatic in future.

also see the following email posted on the mailing list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Ellerman <michael at ellerman.id.au>
Date: Jul 20, 2006 2:23 AM
Subject: [Bug 5158] Re: rfc: don't treat missing files as deleted
To: amanic at gmail.com

It should be an easy patch to change bzr mv to cope with the source and
destination already being moved. It just probably requires a little
thought as to whether it should spit out a warning, or require a special
flag etc. It'd be a good first patch for some keen bzr newbie.

I've got the beginings of an auto-rename plugin at:


It tries to match files based on their SHA1, and if that fails does a
fuzzy match based on the number of lines changed between the two
versions. It needs a bit of polish, but it's 50% there.


bzr: the future of source control management
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