Feature Request: 'bzr mv --after' to tell bzr that file(s) have already been moved in the working tree

Hanns-Steffen Eichenberg scameronde at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 3 13:40:36 GMT 2006

Hello everybody,

i am new to bzr - not to dvcs - and got hooked almost immediately. Good
work! Code is nice, clean and very readable. It is a joy to 'mess around'
with it.

But as always, there is one functionality i am really missing (definitely a
show stopper for me). I searched the archive if this topic has been
discussed before, did not found anything, then went to #bzr and asked for
it. The very nice people there redirected me to this list.

>From our 100 developers about 40 are programming Java using Eclipse. No, no.
I am not calling for an Eclipse Plugin :-) We know how to operate on the
command line. But it is very common work to refactor code from within
Eclipse. This includes moving and renaming of files. What we need is a way
to tell bzr, that a file under version control HAS BEEN MOVED. It is no
option to move the file using bzr, since this would interrupt the workflow
in Eclipse and would make unnecessary synchronizations necessary. The dvcs
Mercury uses the option '--after' to tell the vcs to update the repository
to reflect the actual situation in the working tree.

I really would like to see an option like '--after' for the mv command. It
shouldn't be too complicated (in fact i hacked bzr 0.13.0dev0 to accept the
--after option for the mv command and just update the repository, not the
working tree. I do not know if i have done it correct, but it works for me).
It works like:

  $ bzr mv text1.txt text2.txt --after

telling bzr that someone has moved test1.txt to text2.txt.

Has this feature been discussed before? Is the idea good or am i missing
something that makes it just plain silly?

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