Initial impressions of the latest Ubuntu packages
Noah Massey
nmassey at
Fri Nov 3 01:29:15 GMT 2006
Below, please find answers to your questions, as covered in our recent phone
Rakesh Pandit wrote:
> Noah:
> Thanks for your comments. Could you please help us understand.
> Question 1: How to create the Postgres User Account if Postgres is
> Not running? Do we manually start the Postgres?
daemon services cannot be started during the package installation of the step of
the OS install process. Setting up the database must be done outside of the
package installation. SEC will create the groove user and callisto database
during system install, as we did on the previous CD image.
> Comment 2: We will remove reference to sudo.
> Question 3: We are not sure that dpkg removes the DDServer expanded
> File directory? Would Debian remove them because it is an expanded
> War file?
You are correct, the expanded DDServer should be manually removed if it exists.
However, the war file will be removed from it's install location by dpkg.
test ! -e /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/DDServer || rm -rf
tomcat should and is being stopped before these are removed.
however, it should be started again in a postrm script, providing the init
script still exists
> Comment 4: We used the svn export function. It did not remove the
> Files indicated. We will try again.
> Thanks
> Rakesh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noah Massey [mailto:nmassey at]
> Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 3:52 PM
> To: Rakesh Pandit
> Cc: Manuel Couceiro; Matthew Metnetsky
> Subject: Initial impressions of the latest Ubuntu packages
> Rakesh,
> I was asked to take look at the Debian packages posted earlier today. A
> cursory examination reveals the following:
> - pdfserver_1.10_all.deb
> debian/control still refers to the Package as PDFServer. This name
> needs to be all lowercase in the package
> descriptor, not just the filename.
> - printgroove-queue_1.0 (the 3rd file at this version #)
> The packages postinst script currently fails if postgres is not
> running when it is run. This is a problem, as during
> the initial operating system install, postgres will not be running.
> The postinst script also starts tomcat without tomcat ever being
> stopped.
> Commands in the installation scripts should not be run using sudo.
> The install is already being run by root. The sudo
> command should only be used to run as a specific user, for example 'sudo -u
> postgres'.
> since dpkg is being run as a privileged user, it is unnecessary and
> unsafe to change the file permissions on file
> before writing to them.
> modifications made to other packages (tomcat, samba) are not being
> removed on uninstall. In contrast, files which
> should NOT be manually removed (DDServer.war, DDServer, index.html) are
> being removed in the scripts. This is going to
> make future upgrades difficult.
> populated .svn directories are being created in : /, /opt,
> /opt/KonicaMinolta, /opt/KonicaMinolta/queue,
> /opt/KonicaMinolta/queue/lib, /var, /var/opt, /var/opt/KonicaMinolta,
> /var/opt/KonicaMinolta/queue,
> /var/opt/KonicaMinolta/queue/return, /var/opt/KonicaMinolta/queue/DDServer,
> /var/opt/KonicaMinolta/queue/DDServer/hotfolder,
> /var/opt/KonicaMinolta/queue/DDServer/hotfolder/return, /usr.
> /usr/share, /usr/share/tomcat5, /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps,
> /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/ROOT. /usr/share/tomcat5/bin,
> /etc, and /etc/init.d
> Either one of the first two issues make it impossible to install these
> packages during normal operating system install.
> All of these issues need to be addressed before release.
> Noah
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