[patch] fix bug 65714 bzr 0.11 takes an inordinate amount of time to process a commit
Cheuksan Edward Wang
wang02139 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 29 13:54:45 GMT 2006
Replace python's difflib by patiencediff because the worst case
performance is cubic for difflib (get_matching_blocks) and people committing
large data
files are often hurt by this. The worst case performance of patience is
quadratic. Fix bug 65714.
If there is an easy way to run benchmarks, can someone tell me how to run
them? I want to see the change in commit time and size of the knits.
Neither difflib nor patience give the minimal diffs. If this is not an
improvement in time or space, I can try several other algorithms.
Cheuksan Edward Wang
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