Olive 0.11.0 on Windows XP

Eugene Wee eugenew at starhub.net.sg
Fri Oct 27 17:48:18 BST 2006


I am new to Bazaar, and am currently running Windows XP. Seeing that the 
existing Windows installer was slightly out of date, I decided to try and see if 
I could get my own installer by following the instructions given at:

I installed these packages:
Python 2.4.4
ElementTree 1.2.6
cElementTree 1.0.5
Paramiko 1.6.3
PyCrypto 2.0.1
pywin32 210
ctypes 1.0.1

And also the utilities:
Py2.exe 0.6.5
Docutils 0.4
Cog 2.0
MinGW port of GNU make 3.80
Inno Setup 5.1.8

I unpacked bzr-0.11.tar.gz and ran make installer, and all was well, so it 
seemed. I went on to install my shiny new installer, and then also installed GTK 
2.8.20 from Glade, as well as pygtk 2.8.6-1 and pycairo 1.0.2.-1 with no 
problems. Then I went on to install Olive 0.11.0

When I tried running python olive-gtk, I received this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "olive-gtk", line 59, in ?
     from olive import OliveGtk
   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\olive\__init__.py", line 34, in ?
     from handler import OliveHandler
   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\olive\handler.py", line 31, in ?
     import bzrlib.errors as errors
ImportError: No module named bzrlib.errors

How should I fix this problem to get Olive working?

Eugene Wee

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