[patch] fix bug 48136 bzr status, diff, etc do not work properly after remote push

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Oct 27 15:57:16 BST 2006

Cheuksan Edward Wang wrote:
> Thanks a lot. I have added the tests to test_status.py and test_diff.py .
> On 10/22/06, *Aaron Bentley* < aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
> <mailto:aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca>> wrote:
> Cheuksan Edward Wang wrote:
>> I have fixed 48136. I cannot write a simple blackbox test because a
>> local push always updates the working tree. Can someone teach me
> how to
>> write a test for this?
> You're not really testing push, but diff and status.  So you can just
> use WorkingTree.set_last_revision() to force the tree to be out of date.
> Aaron

Sorry this took so long to review, +1 from me. Aaron, can you give a
second +1?

Also, I wonder if this is only part of the fix. Because we want heavy
checkouts to act like lightweight ones, we probably should also be
checking if tree.last_revision() matches (pseudocode)
tree.branch.master().last_revision(). But I'll let that be a follow up
patch. For one thing, it adds a potential network connection to
something that could otherwise be really fast. (bzr status in a heavy


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