VCS comparison table

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Wed Oct 25 10:57:15 BST 2006

Andreas Ericsson <ae at> writes:

> This is new to me. At work, we merge our toy repositories back and
> forth between devs only. There is no central repo at all. Does this
> mean that each merge would add one extra commit per time the one I'm
> merging with has merged with me?

Two things differ in bzr and git, here:

* bzr doesn't do "autocommit" after a merge. So, new revisions are
  created only if you use"commit".

* bzr has two commands, "pull" and "merge". "pull" just does what the
  git people call "fast-forward", and only this (it refuses to do
  anything if the branches diverged). In particular, you never have to
  commit after a pull (well, except if you had some local, uncommited
  changes). "merge" changes your working directory, and you have to
  commit after. "merge" will never do fast-forward, it will never
  change the revision to which your working tree revfers to, and it's
  your option to commit or not after (if you see that it introduces no
  changes, you might not want to commit).

The final rule in bzr would be "you create an extra commit each time
you commit" ;-).

As a side-note, it could be interesting to have a git-like merge
command (chosing automatically between merge and pull), probably not
in the core, but as a plugin.


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