Feature request: make 'init-repo' an option to 'init'

Jari Aalto+usenet jari.aalto at cante.net
Tue Oct 24 21:17:58 BST 2006

Perhaps the use of two separate commands is natural to old time bzr
users, but I find it confusing that there are two separate commands:


This somehow contradicts my logical oriented mind which would only
want to see one command for

        "creating initial version control starting point"
What kind of starting point, that's another question. So, from this
perpective I'm wondering if there are any technical limitations to
only expose one command:

        bzr init

which would accept options to control how the initial version control
directory is created:

        bzr init [--format=ARG] [--type=shared] [--trees]] LOCATION

Where LOCATION would be mandatory to unify the differences in syntax
of "bzr init" and "bzr init-repo". I've selected to use name "--type"
just in case there might be some other initialization types in the

The end result being:
        bzr init --type=shared repo         (old "bzr init-repo repo")
        bzr init --type=shared --trees repo (old "bzr init-repo --trees repo")
        bzr init .                          (old "bzr init")

Is it just me that would find this elegant?


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